Perspective Development

Here are some of attempts at developing Perspective:

Table Perspective 9 Table Perspective 8 Table Perspective 7 Table Perspective 6 Table Perspective 5 Table Perspective 4 Table Perspective 3 Table Perspective 2

These sketches are all the perspective tables that I have attempted so far, most of them with a wide range of items on the actual tables such as bird cages, Bags, Loafs of bread, phones, standard boxes etc. The only down fall with these sketches is that the perspective doesn’t change that much but when it does it is often unnoticeable. The sketches of the actual table make slight changes within the drawings most of the time the table legs and the table angles as well.

Timeline and Role and Scope of Animation V3

Here is the third and final version of the Timeline and Role and Scope of Animation:

Timeline and Role and Scope of Animation V2

Corrections: According to people the way I have shown the important date with symbols on the timelineĀ are not easy to understand, so I have fixed this by placing the names of all the important events, people, products and inventions that are on the timeline with a decent font that is easy to read and understand. This in turn will allow people to identify which symbols mean which event, person, invention, movie etc.

The link below is to look at all the research and reasons why I chose theses Events, People, Inventions and Movies etc.

The reason I why I chose to present the information I gathered for the History and Role and Scope of Animation in this form of animation is for several reasons. My first reason is that is makes the information placed on the Timeline is to find as well as understandable but this is only due to the fact that it is not only to see but I had to go through several attempts after reviews with a few people that I both knew and didn’t know. Which is were several of the corrections come into such as the Key and shortening the actual timeline at the end because noting that I have seen or looked up so far in this decade I can see as a importance to the History and Role and Scope of Animation. The Second reason why I chose this style to present my information is due to the fact that the combination of the imagery and colours makes the animation noticeable and draws in the attention of the target audience as well as it displays the actual events quite effectively once the correction had been made on this version.

Artists and Presentation: Quentin Blake Comic V2

Here is the third version of the Quentin Blake Comic:

Quentin Blake Comic V3Here is the second version of Quentin Blake Comic, like stated in the post for the predecessor the were a few mistakes within the comic that needed fixing.


Spelling and Grammar – A few words and sentences had to be corrected within the comic such as literature.

Positioning of Words within Speech Bubbles: The sentences that were placed within the Speech Bubbles needed to be shaped and have their sizes changed to fit into the Speech Bubbles.

The Reason why theses corrections had to be made is that with the Spelling and Grammar mistakes and the incorrect placing of the paragraphs within the Speech bubbles made the comic strip look unprofessional as well as making it feel like much effort had been put into the actual information placement on the comic strip. Another reason why theses corrections had to be made is that it was a learning curve for myself due to the fact that if Gareth hadn’t seen what I had done for the comic strip so far and not informed me about what need to be done I would not have been able to make those corrections and learn from the mistakes that made me correct the work. So for Now on when I am designing/creating a comic strip i must make sure that the words with in a speech bubble or any form of communication on a speech bubble fits and matches the shape of the means of communication well.

When Doing Speech Bubbles or some other means of Communication in a comic a appropriate font must be chosen that is readable and understandable as well as suitable for the comic strips style. Speech Bubble Image TecahingNext the font within the Speech Bubble should be set to be in the middle of the text box at the desired size. Next the Speech Bubble or Means of Communication can be edited via text edit again to make it appear like the shape it is in is influencing it see the image on the right. TheĀ Scale Transformation on Photoshop or other digital paint/photo editing software can be used to make the text box longer in height and width as well making it fit better into the desired shape.

What Influenced this Comic Strip Idea was Quentin Blake but not just for the information on his career but also his drawing style which I tried to recreate somewhat within the comic strip to show how he has influenced me in some way which he has, in fact he is one of the reason why I decided to go into animation. The recreation of Quentin Blake’s drawing style was successful somewhat but at the same time it was a failure because it allowed me to create my own unique drawing style for this comic, this can be proven with the images below.

Comic Comaparison 1

Quentin Blake Comparison

A you can see the style are somewhat similar but at the same time they are not the influence is clear but it is not a copy of his style completely. The second image is one of Quentin Blake’s recent works that was published for various hospitals across Great Britain and France. As you can see Blake’s drawing Style is focuses on making the character look unique by disregarding certain parts of their natural anatomy while at the same time still presenting some form of it. A perfect example of this is the young woman in the red jumper in the image above she appears to have enough anatomy to imply that she is a women but a majority of the muscles within her body are not there. In the image above Quentin Blake’s my stye displays Blake certain focus on a balance of barley any anatomy which makes the comic feel like it is dedicated to him and his life story and showing off how he has inspired me and this is also implied within m images of slid objects within the comic as well they look somewhat like something Blake would draw but at the same time they show of my style of drawing as well.

The comic idea for the comic was influenced by various comics that I have been reading such as Archie’s Sonic The HedgehogĀ and Sonic Universe as well as Marvels The Amazing Spider- Man and X-23.Ā Sonic-the-Hedgehog-issue-182-part-3-archie-sonic-the-hedgehog-18293756-600-900


The reason why theses comics inspired me to to use a Comic Strip as a means of presenting the history of one of the artists that inspired me is because I thought it was a unique way of styling and presenting the information that I collected about Quentin Blake. It was a excellent means of presenting what I considered the most important moments of his life so far, by using each panel to show the selected moments and having a speech bubble to indicate what the image inside the panel meant to the people who couldn’t understand my images in the panels. I think that my comic has done what I planed to do to with Blake’s life history very well and I am glad that theses comics helped me comic up with the idea to do so.

Artist Research and Presentation

Here is the finished version of the Quentin Blake Comic.

Quentin Blake Comic 2

The drawing on the animation may not be the best but they get the point across of why I believe that Quentin Blake is a important and influencing artist and what events tat occurred in his life influenced this and why. The images also have speech bubbles next to them which helps identify what each symbol represent in the moment of Quentin Blake’s life. The reason why I chose to do a comic to represent the important moments of Quentin Blake’s life and why he is an important artist and inspiration is due to the fact that each panel represents a important part of Blake’s life and each of the images within theses panels are different from the other making each panel seem as important as each other. The colours used within the animation also help highlight the importance of each panel and the images within and this in turn also helps draw the attention easily to each panel. The font was chosen because it is easy to read and suits the comic book design perfectly.


Spelling and Grammar – A few words and sentences had to be corrected within the comic such as literature.

Positioning of Words within Speech Bubbles: The sentences that were placed within the Speech Bubbles needed to be shaped and have their sizes changed to fit into the Speech Bubbles.

Timeline and Role and Scope of Animation V2 Final

Here is the finished version of my Timeline and Role and Scope of Animation.

Timeline and Role and Scope of Animation

Corrections: Length has been shorten due to the fact that the actual Timeline and Role and Scope went up to 2015 but needed to be cut back because of only a few things in this decade been of importance to the history of Animation so far. The Fonts have been enlarge and aligned due to the fact that they were all over the place as well as the font not all been readable so the size needed to be enlarged.

Mistakes: According to people the way I have shown the important date with symbols on the timelineĀ are not easy to understand, so to fix this I am going to place the name of all the important events, people, products and inventions that are on the timeline with a decent font that is easy to read and understand.

Timeline and Role and Scope of Animation V1

Here is the final version of Animation Timeline and Role and Scope:

Animation Timeline

Mistakes: The first attempt of the Timeline and Role and Scope of Animation according to both my self and the people I have shown stated that the Timeline needs to be cut down near the end due to the fact that I haven’t marked any events yet that are considered important to this decade so far so I either need to cut the end off or fill it in. I also need to enlarge and align the font due to the fact that the actual font is too small making it hard for to read and identify the time period. The font needs to be aligned due to the fact that it makes the actual timeline look neater and more professional.

Click Image to see Timeline/Role and Scope of Animation, then zoom in due to it’s size the actual image appears small but it is massive and needs to be zoomed in on to read.

Timeline Research 1914 – 1945: World War Propaganda

Now the reason why I chose this period for the Timeline and the Role and Scope is because it is one of the beats example of animation during the early 20th Century, this is due to the fact that the style of animation during this period varies and some of the variation are very interesting and can be consider pioneers or inspirations for various styles that we use for today for everyday things. Propaganda has been around for centuries, in fact the term originates from the Roman Catholic Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of Faith, the first official war Pro was produced in the 1914 after the assassination of the archduke of Austria. The aim of propaganda is to attract the attention of the target audience by using unique or distinctive features as well as colours to do so and once the attention of the target audience he propaganda shows the facts and information the creators or desired party wants the target audience to see, often the information on the propaganda can either be complete lies, half truths of the complete truth but is often made to make the desired party look good and the rival party bad.

Here are a few excellent example of how the styles can vary between each other and how they affect the message of the propaganda. For example both images are attempt at recruiting people into the British Militia but how each piece of Propaganda does it is different, the first image does this by displaying fairly accurate images of men and women in military equipment and they are marching into battle. They are also wearing colours that are also eye catching but at the same time represent Britain in some way i.e. the green is similar to British green. The next image focuses on use the sense of patriotism to draw in new recruits by using the British Flag as a means to do so with the big bold words Britishers Enlist to Day. This is marked on the Role and Scope as a means of communication. This is important to the role and scope due to the fact that it is one of the most famous but also key moments within the history of animation due to the fact that it in a sense is one of the very first professional means to draw the attention of people without threatening means and is a marking point in the timeline because it has a wide range of art styles that range of from it in different kinds of advertisement and info graphics.

Time Line Research 3500BC – 400CE: Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs

Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs were a combination of logo-graphic and alphabetic symbols used to create a form of formal writing as a means of communication. There are other versions of the Hieroglyphics but they are not consider to be the same due to the fact that they are slightly different then the original version, which in it’s formal form was written in curved style and was written on papyrus and wood.

The two informal styles are called Hieratic and Demotic. This is helpful to the Timeline and Role and Scope due to the fact that it one of most important developments of not only Humans communication but also animation due to the fact that it uses a large ranges of imagery, shapes and colours to form the means of communication. Therefor this on the role and scope would have one symbol which is represented by the Communication symbol. This is important not only because of it been a means of communication but because it is one of the very uses of shapes and colours recorded in human history and is classed as a unique style of art because of this and this therefor means that it is a important factor that cannot be ignored.

Although technically this wouldn’t have possible to understand if the Rosetta Stone hadn’t been found, which meant that mankind wouldn’t have been able to translate various ancient languages. Like all ancient means of communication their are universal symbols that we understand even without translating, in fact most languages can be tracked back to the prehistoric period were cave paintings were used as the means of communication.

The Twelve Principles of Animation: Animation

The Animation below is a display of several of principles of animation.

The first Principle the animation displays is Timing which helps create the feel of motion within the animation due to all the frames used within the animation. The next Principle displayed within this animation is the Principle of 3D Solid Objects, this is done by the actual box that moves throughout the animation, this is done effectively due to the fact that I took into account of the weight differences as well as the height of the object. The next Principle displayed within this animation is Slow In and Slow Out, this is shown by the speed change of the box within the animation and it done well but might need some tweaking within the speed change but apart from that it is noticeable. The next Principle displayed is Secondary Action which is displayed by the Box within the animation changing colour every time it is placed on it’s faces. All these principles are displayed effectively within the animation.