Inktober 2018 – Day 8

Inktober Day 8

Day 8 of Inktober 2018, I decided to work on my human anatomy by drawing a man performing an an action sen straight from a action movie. I admit that his face could still need work and my pistols and hands need a lot work but the actual length and size of the rest of the character are decently proportioned and do not look too out of place or as an eye sore. So in the end there is some development in my art abilities.

Inktober 2018 – Day 6

Inktober Day 6.jpg

Day 6 of Inktober 2018, this time I have chosen to draw BB8 as today’s inking with colour. While I admit this isn’t my best work, I will say there are some defining features such as the ball structure of BB8 that are better than others. My main fault with this drawing is actually his head I didn’t curve the base of it so it looks a bit flat. His eyes piece is also another fault as it is too long, so if will need to work on that. The details on the other hand were more focused and make BB8 look more realistic.